The Massachusetts Association of Student Representatives
What we do:
The Association brings unparalleled benefits to Student Representatives on School Committees all across Massachusetts.
Annual training workshops, access to handouts, articles, research, and resources such as the Student Representative Handbook.
Access to the largest network of Student Representatives in the Commonwealth, with opportunities to exchange ideas and initatives.
Coordinated advocacy efforts to support bills at the State House that improve the state of education in Massachusetts.
Who Can Join?
Membership is open to all Student “Representatives,” “Trustees,” “Members,” “Advisors",” or other equivalent position. Click the Join Button below to register.
What is Our Structure?
MASR is governed by a 5-Member Executive Board, elected by the Delegate Assembly. The E-Board appoints 5 Directors, a Director of Communications, a Director of Legislative Affairs, a Director of Resources, a Director of Curriculum, and a Director of Finance.
At the start of each year, MASR will commission a number of “Committees,” that Student Representatives can join, that will work on various projects relating to the welfare of students across Massachusetts.
There will be one Student Representative per School Committee who will serve as a “Delegate” to the annual Delegate Assembly. The Delegate Assembly votes on our Legislative Priorities, strategic goals for the Association, and Resolutions to define the stances of MASR.