Upcoming events

MASR Delegate Assembly 2024
The Massachusetts Association of Student Representatives (MASR) is an organization of student representatives from school committees across Massachusetts, dedicated to connecting, educating, and supporting student members of school committees in the state. Annually, we host a meeting of our membership, our Delegate Assembly, where all new student representatives and prior members of MASR come to learn more about MASR, and to collaborate with each other, to gain a better sense of what topics are most important to student representatives within Massachusetts.
All student representatives in Massachusetts are eligible to register for this event free of charge! Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions (contact Ahmed Othman, Chairman of the Executive Board: ahmed.othman@mastudentreps.org)
REGISTER TODAY: https://tinyurl.com/MASR-DA-2024
When: Saturday, November 23rd 2024 (9am-4pm)
Where: Courtyard by Marriott in Marlborough MA
Cost: FREE!

Financial literacy bill hearing (h.4199)
The Massachusetts Leigslature’s Joint Committee on Education will be holding a Hearing on Miscellaneous Bills (Wednesday, January 10th, 2024 from 1-5pm at the State House in Boston, Hearing Room A-2 & Virtual).
Included on the docket is a bill that MASR has been working on and endorsed, H.4199 “An Act relative to personal financial literacy” filed by Representative Ryan Hamilton of Methuen. We are encouraging students and student representatives to submit oral and/or written testimony in support of this legislation which would ensure every student takes a course in financial literacy before graduating.
If you would like more information on the Hearing please visit: https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H4199/Cosponsor
If you are a student or student representative and would like to register to attend with MASR (including access to our Free Virtual Training on Testimony crafting on Saturday, January 6th at 7:00pm) please visit: https://forms.gle/2anpHCoYGjeZpaAW6
![[Testimony training] Financial literacy bill hearing](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/622f717c3505ee1384673b6c/1703797214214-52Y3LVJEB7A13XJIQTPW/ma+associaion.png)
[Testimony training] Financial literacy bill hearing
The Massachusetts Leigslature’s Joint Committee on Education will be holding a Hearing on Miscellaneous Bills (Wednesday, January 10th, 2024 from 1-5pm at the State House in Boston, Hearing Room A-2 & Virtual).
Included on the docket is a bill that MASR has been working on and endorsed, H.4199 “An Act relative to personal financial literacy” filed by Representative Ryan Hamilton of Methuen. We are encouraging students and student representatives to submit oral and/or written testimony in support of this legislation which would ensure every student takes a course in financial literacy before graduating.
MASR will be hosting a “Testimony Training” on Saturday January 6th at 7pm (Virtually) to provide interested student representatives with more information about how to deliver effective testimony in support as well as information about the day of the hearing.
If you are a student or student representative and would like to register to attend with MASR (including access to this Virtual Training on Testimony on Saturday, January 6th at 7:00pm) please visit: https://forms.gle/2anpHCoYGjeZpaAW6

Delegate Assembly
The annual MASR Delegate Assembly is a one-day event for all student representatives in Massachusetts, taking place on Saturday, October 28th, 2023 from 9am-4pm at a Central MA location to be determined soon.
REGISTER TO ATTEND TODAY: https://forms.gle/gKfGmPTxPZH2VJan9
There is no cost to attend and lunch will be served. Student representatives will take part in trainings and workshops on best practices, school governance, and leadership strategies, and will also convene to determine the priorities and elect the members of the MASR Executive Board.

MASR Day on the Hill
Join the Massachusetts Association of Student Representatives for a Day on the Hill at the Massachusetts State House, providing a briefing to legislators and their staff on the importance of H.474/S.287 “An Act relative to student representative voting rights.”

MASR Student Panel (@MASC/MASS Joint Conference)
Join us at the MASC/MASS Joint Conference for a morning discussing important topics in the advancement and incporporation of Student Representatives. Hear student leaders speak on how to effectively balance the relationship between Student Reps and School Committee members, as well as strategies for integrating their voice as full members of their respective Committees.

1st Delegates Assembly
This will be the Massachusetts Associate of Student Representative’s first Delegates Assembly! If you are a student representative seeing this, SIGN UP ASAP. This will be a very helpful conference and training, it includes talks from experienced student representatives and past MASR founders.
LINK TO REGISTER: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/12eqJL20U-TzZTHd68vyA5BjnJTvytVDHrdlB-mkqJ7Q/edit

Virtual Student Representative Training
MASR’s 1st Student Representative Training on September 17th, 2022 VIA ZOOM. Topics covered will include strategies for effective leadership, connecting with students, and tips on navigating school committee meetings.
LINK TO REGISTER: 2022 MASR Training Registration Form

MASR May 14th Conference
The 1st Spring Conference of the Massachusetts Association of Student Representatives. We will be discussing what it means to be an effective Student Rep, how to “pass the torch” to your successor, discuss the Association, issues facing our schools and more! Register now using the link below: